Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ready or not, here I go!

Ten hours later, 690 miles later, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Alabama. The drive wasn't really all that bad. Having the mindset of a very long drive makes it not so bad, like flying to Australia. :) I had some nice phone conversations with people, some nice conversations with myself, some long monotone yells, some silence, and lots of singing.

On my way, I realized I'm starting an entirely new and different chapter of my life. As I said before, I've been in school foreverrrrrr. It's like I am finally starting in the real world. Although I guess you could argue the military isn't the 'real' real world. But still, it's something new, the culmination of my education up to this point. Yes, I really just want to look at eyes, but this is exciting too; eventually I'll be a Captain to my fullest ability as well as an optometrist.

I keep saying how weird this is. I mean, I went to school eight years to be an eye doctor, and now I am in Alabama getting ready for officer training. Seems like the furthest I could be from eye exams. It's the weird parts of life that keep it interesting though.

Taking the advice of the ever-wise Kim, I refreshed myself on a few Bible verses to keep me going when things get tough. My favorite is always Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." That will be the verse I'm sure that will carry me through these tough days ahead. :)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes and especially all the prayers! (and the review of my armor, mom)

Off I go into the wild blue yonder. :)


  1. Well, like I said, if the army gig doesn't pan out ... you can always come back and crash in Australia!! :)

    Ever-wise, wow!! I don't think I've ever been called that before!! Don't know how accurate it is, but thanks :)

    Hang in there!! You'll be fine!! Still thinking about and praying for you!!


  2. The courage you have to start this new chapter is inspiring.

  3. Incidentally, I most definitely think you CAN claim you're in the "real world." I've had a piece in mind for ages to write on the topic of the "real world." It dates back to around the end of college when everyone was talking about going out into the "real world" and I kept thinking, "gosh, has this really all been imaginary for the last 22 years?" Seriously. I think EVERYONE is living in the "real world" -- people have real, genuine problems and encounter real, genuine life no matter if they're in college or the army or being a homemaker or not.

    While I'm on my soapbox, a few situations that get immediately classed as not "real world" which I think should be include:

    --being a homemaker
    --working in academia
    --traveling/living abroad
    --movie stars/celebrities
    --those in psychiatric wards/hospitals

    Those I would grant to probably NOT be living in the real world include:

    --Mr. Darcy

    But really. I just think everyone is in the "real world."

    All that to say that, YES, I think you can call the Air Force the real world. No quotes! :)
